Тэмцэгч Хадаа анх удаа Youtube – ээр гарав.

Өвөр Монголын тэмцэгч Хадаа 15 жил хоригдоод суллагдсаны эцэст хаа байгаа нь тодорхойгүй байсан билээ. Тэгвэл 2 сарын 21-ний өдөр тэрбээр анх удаагаа Youtube-ээр гарсан байна. Хятадын тусгай албаны сайтар хянан зассан хэмээгдэх энэхүү видеог доор тавилаа. Мөн tolerance.ca хэмээх вэб сайтад Хадаа болон түүний эхнэр, хүүгийн яриаг англиар орчуулан тавьсныг хавсаргав. Хадаа монголоор, эхнэр Шинээ, хүү Үйлс нар нь хятад хэлээр ярьжээ. Хадаагийн яриа “15 жилийн дараа Цагаан сараар ах дүүс, нагацдаа биеэ үзүүлэх нь хамгийн чухал юм” гэж хэлснээр таслагдаж байна

Hada: With my sister-in-law, maternal-side uncle, brother-in-law, and mother-in-law, this is the first time after 15 years I spent the Chagaan Sar (Mongolian New Year) with them together. It is my top priority to treat my health problems after I return home.

Xinna: Certainly I appreciate that the authorities concerned and current leadership are becoming more humane. They are getting much better than before. I hope they continue to keep up with it. [They] came to have a talk with me earlier. I think if they consistently handle things in this manner, issues can be resolved with ease. I think this is a wise and open-minded way of thinking that is compatible with modern thinking. We saw Jia Qinglin’s speech on TV. I think the contents of his speech are very good. The way he thinks is apparently very practical, not with the old tone. This implies the Chinese current leaders have some better understanding on ethnic problems. The main idea discussed here is almost consistent with what I talked about.

Uiles: The day we waited for 15 years finally arrived. We thank those who have been concerned about our whole family for this many years. Also, it would have been impossible for us to have today without the care and concerns from many relatives and friends.

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